Academic Projects

Below I've listed some of the projects I've done as part of my school work or presented at science fairs. If you're interested in one of the projects in particular, let me know and I'd be happy to share the project abstract and other information with you.

To see professional projects I've completed at internships, please refer to my Work page; the work below was developed strictly on my own time for either for courses or for science conventions.

Selected Projects from CMU Courses

Pre-emptive, Pebbles kernel with user-space thread library - Developed for 15-410

Cache-enabled, thread-safe Web Proxy - Developed for 15-213

Dyanmic Memory Allocator - Developed for 15-213

UNIX Shell - Developed for 15-213

Chess Playing Engine - Developed for 15-211

Data Compressor - Developed for 15-211

Selected Projects from PJAS and PRSEF

Beating Vegas - PJAS, PRSEF, TeraGrid '08 (12th grade)

Task Division using Multi-threading - PJAS, PRSEF (11th grade)

Data Storage & Transfer - PJAS (10th grade)

Evaluating Computer Algorithms - PJAS, PRSEF (8th grade)