Work Experience
You'll find here my employment history, including internships and part-time positions I've held in the past, and some of the projects I've worked on during my employment as well. However, I've only listed a brief outline of the highlights during my internship or job position; if you're interested about my professional work in more detail, send me an email and I'd be more than glad to share my experiences with you.

Comprehend Systems
The first full-time job I accepted out of college was with Comprehend Systems, a YCombinator W'11 startup. Comprehend develops next-generation clinical data analytics for visualization and reporting against data in disparate data sources.
Read more about my experience at Comprehend.
My last summer internship while I was a CMU student was as a developer at Palantir Technologies. Palantir primarily makes software to deal with two industries: finance and government security. I worked on Palantir Finance, designing and implementing frontend features to the application's Swing GUI. Palantir gave me exposure to many useful development practices such as code reviews, build systems, version control fluency, regression end-to-end and integration tests, the QA Testing cycle, one-on-one meetings, and even IDE plugins.
Read more about my experience at Palantir Technologies.
Hari Seshadri Tutoring
When I was in college, I started a local math tutoring service to service students all the way from middle schoolers to undergraduates. As the sole founder, it really was a full-circle learning experience; from building the web app, to marketing, to hiring tutors and finding clients, I really learned a lot about all the details of starting even the smallest of enterprises.
Read more about my experience at HariTutor.
Carnegie Mellon
During the Fall 2010 semester, I was a teaching assistant for the introductory systems course under Professors Randy Bryant and David O'Hallaron. The role of a teaching assistant includes teaching a small recitation class (~30 people)...
Read more about my experience as a CMU Teaching Assistant.
Intel Corporation
As a summer internship following my sophomore year at college (summer 2010), I worked at Intel Corporation for 14 weeks. As the first large sized company (over 80,000 employees) which I've worked for, Intel gave me a whole new feel for the corporate workplace. When I began my internship...
Read more about my experience at Intel Corporation.
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
Between June of 2008 and the January of 2010, I was a student developer at the PSC. I began working for the supercomputing center during the summer after my senior year in high school, and have been a year-round...
Read more about my experience at PSC.
I interned at, a web-based startup company which provides a freelancer marketplace, during the summer of 2009 (just after my freshman year at CMU). My primary task during this time was writing, from scratch, an Email Service ...
Read more about my experience at
Local Community Tutor
Just after the summer of my junior year, I started tutoring students around the area in everything from SAT/ACT test preparation and high school math to tournament level chess. Not only was I able to earn ...
Read more about my experience as a local community tutor.
Kumon Learning Center
I began working for Kumon Learning Center, an academic tutoring company that focuses on math and reading, in January of 2005 (as a freshman in high school). I had considered Kumon because I always wanted to teach math and ...
Read more about my experience at the Kumon Learning Center.
Vijaya G. Seshadri, PC
My very first employer was Vijaya G. Seshadri: a practicing pediatric cardiologist, and also my mother. Running her own medical practice keeps my mom very busy, and as soon as I entered high school she offered me a "position" in her company. The work I did for her included ...
Read more about my experience working for Vijaya G. Seshadri, PC.